These two works were also pioneers in the area of the Valencian Community, as they were the first to be carried out. These are tactical planning documents based on “PATFOR” and lay the foundation for the development of operational forest planning tools (technical forest management plans and forest management projects).
Since these are plans, they are subject to strategic environmental and territorial assessment, which is why VIELCA MEDIO AMBIENTE also had to coordinate the entire approval procedure and the preparation of the required documentation. Thus, the work carried out was:
- The drafting of the “PORFs” themselves, which involved fieldwork and public participation with key social actors.
- Coordination with other services of the Conselleria to align these documents with other concurrent plans.
- The revision of the forest soil layer, mainly through photointerpretation.
- The strategic environmental and territorial assessment itself, which involved making a landscape study and a complete heritage study of the entire area.
- The elaboration of the corresponding thematic cartography.
It was a work of great interest for the proper development of forest planning of the Valencian Community.