Our staff is our best asset and the strength of our company

In Vielca Medio Ambiente S.L. we are a multidisciplinary team, composed of professionals from different branches of science and technology, such as Forestry Engineers, Forestry, Agricultural, Industrial, Computer and Telecommunications, Graduates in environmental sciences among others.
We develop the best technical solutions thanks to the coordinated knowledge within the team, united by a clear vocation for the environment, and understanding perfectly the importance of the environment for society.
In April 2008, the parent company Vielca Ingenieros S.L. was spun off into two companies, Vielca Ingenieros S.A. and Vielca Medio Ambiente S.L.. in order to respond to the demand for highly specialized services and to be able to offer our clients the most advanced work in knowledge and technology.

Vicente M. Candela Canales
Chief Executive Officer
Civil Engineer from the University of Alicante, Master Civil Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and Master in Business Management from the University of Valencia.
He founded the company Vielca Ingenieros in Valencia in 1990 and Vielca Medio Ambiente in 2008. Since then, he has been a director and administrator of both companies.
President of the Valencian Association of Consulting Engineers (AVINCO) from 2017 to the present.
Author of several research works and patented inventions with international recognition.

Constancio Amurrio
Technical Director
Forestry Engineer by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), specialty: Natural Environment Management.
Master in Geospatial Technologies by the University Jaume I (Castellón).
D. student at the UPV – Department of Computer and Systems Informatics.
Dean of the College of Forestry Engineers in the Comunitat Valenciana.